QS Software

QS Software Training

Cubicost software's structured training solutions to maximize proficiency.

Cubicost BIM suite is comprised of four individual BIM-based software products like CubiCost TAS (Takeoff Software for Architecture & Structure), CubiCost TRB (Takeoff Software for Rebar), CubiCost TME (Takeoff Software for MEP), CubiCost TBQ (Cost Estimating Software) that are focused on different needs of quantity surveying business. It brings you a professional, efficient BIM cost estimation experience.

  • CubiCost TAS : 3 days
  • CubiCost TRB : 3 days
  • CubiCost TME : 3 days
  • CubiCost TBQ : 1.5 days

Course Objective

  • To provide a basic knowledge of software operations & modelling techniques of new Cubicost.
  • To provide hands-on training representing the real practice scenarios that covers architecture and structural take off.
  • To resolve measurements & operational issues in construction projects.
  • To implement fast, efficient & automated Take-off Solution in Projects. To make Estimators & Quantity Surveyors more productive.

Would like to learn the Cubicost software face-to-face with the trainer?

Register now to join our physical monthly QS trainings that will be hosted by our expert trainer.

Are you equipped to be part of the ever growing trend of digital transformation?
Equip yourself and stay ahead with Aura Global India monthly events.
Register now to join our live monthly events which include QS trainings, workshops, as well as coaching, will be hosted live by our expert trainer.

Master 5D BIM at Your Own Pace, Anytime, Anywhere with step-by-step tutorial videos.

Missed out webinars? Fret not, we’ve all of them recorded so you can watch and rewatch at your convenience.

Elevate your construction career with CubiCost 5D Certificate System
With the development of digital construction, BIM technology is becoming more and more popular. As a BIM solution for cost estimation, Cubicost has introduced a system for certificating user’s Cubicost Software application which contains four categories. The following is a detailed introduction to the system and how to apply for a certificate.
  • Personal Certificate for Industry Players
  • Enterprise Certificate for industry Players
  • Certified Trainer
  • Glodon Cubicost Certificate only proves that you have the ability to operate Cubicost BIM Software , but does not represent any other BIM software.
  • The certificate is effective during the validity period. When it expires, you need to take the assessment and regain the certificate.
  • All the information collected is used for level evaluation only.
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