Introducing TBQ

From Quantity Calculation to Tender Analysis, TBQ Has You Covered

Discover TBQ (Tender Series for Bill of Quantities) – the comprehensive solution for streamlining tender management from calculation to evaluation. With TBQ, seamlessly link quantity calculations from our modules and effortlessly manage tender submissions, rates, and evaluations.
Why Choose TBQ?

Streamlined Quantity Calculation and Tender Management

Import Unit Rates and Calculate Total Project Costs with Precision

Import unit rates for each element from Excel and link them seamlessly with quantities, enabling quick and accurate calculation of total project costs.

Empower developers to calculate total project costs easily, facilitating informed decision-making and budget management.

Submit Tenders and Evaluate Contractor Rates with Confidence

Submit tenders to contractors without owner rates using our free software, TCF (Tender Cost Filling), allowing contractors to fill their rates effortlessly.

Conduct tender analysis using our tool, TTE (Tender Evaluation), to compare rates from different contractors and identify the most cost-effective option.

Convert Scanned PDF Tenders and Receive Expert Support

Utilize TBQ to convert scanned PDF tenders into editable documents, streamlining the tender management process and saving valuable time.

Benefit from our dedicated support team, providing assistance, customization, and training to ensure your success with TBQ.

CubiCost TBQ



Makes the estimation less time-consuming, more intuitive and highly automated. Redefine high efficiency team tendering by bringing together project cost data, rates, tender and cost analysis into a single platform for the team to work on seamlessly and collaboratively.


Easily identify PDF tender BQ, complete with "auto-inking"

Rapidly compile and generate tender BOQ in various professional formats

Work collaboration with flexible permission settings

Visualized and interactive historical cost data management helps improving Decision making quality and efficiency.

Quickly process tender submissions to produce intelligent evaluation reports

Easy to check, review and update costing precisely with linked buildup rates and real-time cost analysis in each project.

Cost Benchmark empowers decision-making, controls costs with fast, visualized Multi-dimensional benchmark calculations

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